
“Fühl ich!” - Dance- and theatre project

As a follow-up project to ‘utopICH’, the theatre workshop is exploring the topic of ‘feeling’ in several theatre courses and projects under the title ‘Fühl ich!’.

Together with the young people, the aim is to get to the bottom of feeling. All the senses are stretched out as feelers. Who senses what and how? And how does it feel? How do they experience the inside and outside, the space and the city, themselves and others? What happens when we redirect, trick and play with our senses? Where do I feel emotions in my body and what does that do to me? Hidden feelings and emotional outbursts. The overwriting of spaces and the discovery of spaces in between. Developing superpowers and celebrating pleasure. Based on the ideas of the young people, we look for artistic translations in movement and dance, language and projection. Together we want to find out what is really good for us and what is not!

Dance and theatre project for 12-15-year-olds
Mondays, 15:30-17:30
Course leader: Maria Müller / Marlene Ensslen

There are also two other theatre courses on the subject:

Kopfnuss & Gefühlssalat: theatre course for 9-13-year-olds
Mondays, 16:30-18 Uhr
Course leaders: Karina Schieck / Kristin Moldenhauer

Feel you! theatre course for 13-18-year-olds
Mondays, 18 – 20 Uhr
Course leader: Carina Klaus

“utopia-me – where do I see myself in the future?“

Last year, the theatre workshop is dealing with children’s and young people’s visions of the future in various formats under the title “utopia-me – where do I see myself in the future?“

The project is based on the assumption that basically everything is possible in life. Especially when you are young. We want to celebrate the power of youth, visions of the future, dreams, ideas and desires.

Conversely, we want to explore and address what holds us back and inhibits us from living our dream from the perspective of the young participants: Fears, doubts, the opinion of others, older people, rules and views of the adult world that we have to accept and adopt. But do we really have to?

In the project, two perspectives are juxtaposed, that of adults and that of young people. How do adults perceive young people, what and how do they think of them? What expectations do they have of the generation after them? What do they expect from the next generation? What opinions, prejudices and insinuations can be identified? And how do the young people react to this assessment?

We are looking for artistic translations in language, movement, projection and sound, for the expression of inertia and movement, change and standstill, resignation and hope, fear and confidence. The I of our participants should be the focus and be strengthened. Where do I think I am, where and who do I want to be? Everything is possible!

As part of the project, there is a weekly theatre workshop at the Oberschule Findorff, two theatre courses and fortnightly theatre groups at the Schule an der Marcusallee and the Europaschule.

The project is funded by the Bundersverband für Freie Darstellende Künste and takes place in cooperation with the Oberschule Findorff and the KUBO - Kunst- und Bildungsverein Ostertor.

Theatre Workshops at OS Findorff

The theatre workshop for the fifth grade at the Findorff Secondary School is run by our theatre workshop. The pupils meet once a week for two hours during half a year and are taught the basics of theatre as well as the fun of acting. The young people’s ideas gradually lead to their own play, which is presented towards the end of the half-year.